
Monday, July 19, 2010

Visited Lil'Wat land

Kúkwstumckacw to the Lil'Wat Cultural Centre in Mount Currie for meeting with me around the possibility of making some movies up there in the Lil'Wat language (Ucmalmicwts). Together, we have a grant in to the Canada Council to make some animated language movies. I got to show some of the Haidawood movies, and also got to see some examples of Lil'Wat art and weaving. While I was up there, I also visited the Squamish-Lil'Wat Cultural Centre in Whistler. There they have a beautiful world-class facility, including a beautiful theatre space.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Looking for work and teaching animation course

Well, I am disappointed to report that the Canada Council grant to make some movies with the kwakwaka'wakw people did not come through. So, I am now looking for other gigs in the Victoria area. I have arranged to teach a weekly animation course at the Paint Box in Fernwood. And, I am going to need to string together some other gigs to help make ends meet this summer. Please contact me if you have any leads!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blue Card

I got a blue card on our application to the Canada Council to make two movies with the Kwakwaka'wakw people of Fort Rupert. The grant was submitted under the auspices of the Constant Arts Society. The blue card is good sign. Now we'll have to wait to hear if we have the funding or not to do the project. I'm hoping we'll get to go up there for May and June.